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Improving The Dining Experience

Updated: Sep 2, 2021

Since the introduction of the new Quality Standards, auditors have been running a fine-tooth comb through providers’ processes, with particular emphasis on observing the dining experience. It is particularly saddening that the standard on nutrition and hydration has often not been met, with estimates suggesting as many as 60% of aged care residents could be malnourished.

When we think of nutrition we generally jump to food. If our food isn’t nutritious we miss out on essential ingredients that our bodies need to function. There is, however, a lot more to nutrition than the quality of food. If, for example, a resident has poor eyesight, or needs assistance with eating, it makes no difference how appetising or nutritious the food is.

Equally, if meals are served in a stressful or chaotic environment, some residents, particularly those with dementia, may not want to eat at all.

One of the easiest ways to tackle these issues is through the dining experience.

The dining experience refers to the holistic combination of food, meal service, and the serving environment and how that contributes to appetite and enjoyment. Residents spend on average 45% of their day dining, making it a vital part of their experience in care, one that needs to be positive for both health and wellbeing.

At SoupedUp we provide the tools you need to take control of the dining experience.

Through our menu management software, you can record and coordinate resident preferences and requirements and even put together special menus.

Our online video training provides simple and practical ways to improve the dining experience, from seating residents to table settings and tips on how to create a warm and inviting environment for residents.

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