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Why a thank you can be sweeter than sugar

thank you cake

Aged Care Employee Day is just around the corner and there's no better time to celebrate and say thanks to those involved in caring for the elderly.

The recent pay rise for some aged care staff is a great initiative and certainly deserved, but there is another way to inject the feeling of appreciation and happiness to those who missed out the funding, and it starts with a simple 'thank you'.

Here's why a wholehearted thank you can be sweeter than sugar.

It has a flow on affect

"Researchers studying gratitude have found that being thankful and expressing it to others is good for our health and happiness"*.

Not only does it feel good for someone to receive the thanks, research has confirmed it can inspire a desire to help and connect people who simply witness the act. By saying thank you and giving kudos for hard work, it can have a flow on affect for others around you.

One act of appreciation could spark a change of environment for an entire aged care site, leaving a positive impact on both residents and staff.

It's good for your brain

Studies have shown there's a positive association between gratitude and a person's wellbeing**. Being thanked is more likely to increase happiness, due to its ability to shift your brain to focus on the good. Who hasn't got the warm and fuzzies when they've received praise or recognition?

As mental health is just as important as physical health, a thank you can go a long way to create a happy and healthy mindset.

It provides motivation and creates satisfaction

"Appreciation is one of the most sought-after forms of praise in the workplace" and can be more valued than monetary incentives.

In the case of an aged care home, when staff are thanked for their work, they're motivated to the best job possible which results in the best level of care for residents.

When you have staff who are happy, engaged and satisfied with their work, you're likely to have happy and engaged residents.

Did you know?

We have added a brand new 'Thank You Day' event in SoupedUp Events. It's packed with a host of different ways to say thank you and even includes some card templates to share with residents, colleagues, family or friends. If you have SoupedUp Events software, simply search for 'Thank You Day' in the event list. Don't have the Events module? Send us an email and we'll give you a demo.

Want to say thank you to a colleague? Nominate them as a Hospitality and Lifestyle Hero (HLAC Hero).



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